August 1, 2003

Reprinted from Renfrew-Collingwood News,
August/September 2003. Updated April 2005.

While surfing around over the weekend, I like many Internet users have found a lot of web pages, both personal and business that are quite dated. Yup, you all know what I am talking about, those pages that read “last updated October 1996” at the very bottom of the page. Why do people or businesses even bother with putting a web page up anyways if they do not even bother to maintain it?

Many of the dated pages are usually designed by your average computer users, who do not possess the necessary skills of a webpage guru or webmaster. Other web pages are neglected because the owners’ either forgot about it or just did not have the time to update their sites. The sole purpose of their page seems to be for information about themselves, products or small businesses. So, is there a better way?

Over the past couple of years a new technological trend on the Internet has emerged. The internet phenomenon called “blogging”. The technology behind “blogging” comes directly from content management software tools. These are tools that website managers use to allow average computer users (i.e. office workers) to quickly update company or personal web pages. Today, Internet users are using this technology to revolutionize the way we communicate with one another. So, if you think having an e-mail account or personal webpage is the only way to communicate to all your cyber friends, you definitely not a “blogger”, at least not yet. What the heck is blogging you say?

Well, a blog is “geekspeak” for web log. A blog is basically a webpage that is frequently updated, much like a personal journal or diary. Blogging software tools allow “bloggers” to write their “dated” entries and upload them from any Internet connected computer with a click of a button. Individuals are not limited to typing text entries, they also upload and hyperlink text, video and images from other bloggers. Unlike the process of updating your conventional website, “bloggers” do not have to have to mess around with complicated HTML or be web design guru. You will never have to worry about screwing up the fonts and colour schemes of your page. Anyone and everyone can be a blogger. Blogs are truly a self publishing tool for all the little voices on the web.

Simply go to your favourite search engine and typing in the word “blog” will yield numerous hits of blogs by individuals all around the world. Blogs can be about links/commentary about personal or world events, thoughts and interests to news about companies, ideas, and persons. Personal diaries, photos, poetry, essays, stories and project updates can also be topics for a blog. Most blogs found on the web are maintained by one individual but there are blogs that are maintained by groups of individuals sharing common interests.


Before you can begin to write and contribute your voice to Internet, you need to set up a blog site. As mentioned before the difference between your typical web page and a blog is the software that allows the author to automate publishing and updating of the page. Individuals or groups can set up blog sites free of charge by going to one of the following sites to setup an account:

  • Blogspot – Free of charge and easy to use.
  • LiveJournal – Free of charge. Consider one of the largest blogging communities online.
  • MyBlogSite – Free of charge.
  • TypePad – Free to try for 30 days. Monthly subscriptions: $4.95 – $14.95. Yearly subscriptions: $49.50 – $149.50
  • Xanga – Free of charge.
  • WordPress – Free of charge.

For individuals, groups, businesses, that would like to set up blog tools on their existing websites, you can add the necessary software to the web server. If you do not host your own website (i.e. you have a company like Telus host your website) you will have to call the site hosting company to see if they have blogging tools installed on their servers to provide your website with blogging capabilities.

For individuals, groups, businesses that host their own websites you can get blogging software by going to one the following sites:

So, if you have an interesting story to tell or “significant” personal event like: a wedding or an impending birth of your first child. You can document and share your stories and experiences with others around the world by “blogging”. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to drop me an e-mail at: gb.technobytes@gmail.com.

Until next time,
