World’s Smallest MP3 Player just got bigger…

February 12, 2006

DAH-1500i is currently the smallest digital music player on Earth measuring at slightly less than 1 inch (24mm x 24mm x 24mm). This little guy is designed to be worn around the neck (trinket style) and weighs a mere 18 grams. The storage capacity on the latest model has been bumped up to 2 gigabytes, which translates to around 500 songs. Besides being the smallest guy on the block, this music player also packs a lot of features, including: blue OLED display, FM radio, voice recorder, SRS WOW surround sound, and rechargeable lithium ion battery and USB 2.0 transfer rates. Retails for around $175.00 CDN and available in three colours: silver, black, and blue.