Official: MS Windows XP on Mac by Apple

Apple Computers introduces Bootcamp for all MacTel owners who wish to run Windows XP on their new Macs. The download is available free of charge. This latest development by Apple is not surprising given the fact the Apple did the exact same thing with the iPod back in 2001/02 when hackers decided to post software enabling Windows users to transfer music to their iPods. Smelling a sweet opportunity, Apple followed suit by porting their iTunes music store application to Windows and offering their iPod to Windows customers. Result: the Apple iPod became a cultural phenomenon of the early 21st century. Can history repeat itself? Will the Apple reignite the personal computer revolution in the 21st century? I say let the revolution begin…

Users beware: Apple Bootcamp is still a beta version but is probably better than the version than the "homebrew" version released a couple of weeks ago, just because of the fact that all the necessary working drivers are included. The official version of Bootcamp is expected to ship within the next version of Mac OS X (Leopard), coming to a mac near you in 2007.

Click here for C|Net Video on Apple BootCamp.
Click here for Flickr Slideshow (Apple BootCamp on MacBook Pro) by Speedye

One Response to Official: MS Windows XP on Mac by Apple

  1. alieksjii says:

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