New File Compression Technology by Infima

April 7, 2006

With the increasing popularity of broadband Internet rising almost daily, it is not surprising, that the amount of files we transfer have also increased correspondingly. File compression programs have been around for a long time and has not really changed all that much in the last couple of years. Recently, Infima Technologies Company, has developed a new patent pending file compression technology that claims to be able to compress files 10 – 85% smaller than current competitors – 7 Zip, WinRAR, WinZip, and PKZip. You can download a beta version by clicking here.

Managing Home Networks for Dummies

April 7, 2006

Just about everyone, today, has more than one personal computer at home. Most people have configured all their machines to share printers, storage and high-speed internet connections. Any novice, who have attempted to hooked all these devices up for the very first time will inevitably find out that it is quite difficult to setup and manage everything! A very innovate little company called Network Magic have developed an application that let's you:

  • to easily monitor and repair your network.
  • share printers and files.
  • secure your network.
  • securely surf your wireless network.
  • access all your files from anywhere around the world with nothing but an Internet connection.

All this for a incredibly low price – free. You can this app by clicking here. If you only interested in securing your wireless network, you can download their other freebie – Wireless Intruder Protection.