June 11, 2006

A couple of months ago, I wrote a short article about PC Safety, and what users should do to mitigate PC problems related to malware, viruses, and trojans.  At the time, there were three free firewalls that I recommended Windows XP users look at and download – Sygate, Kerio, and Zone Alarm.  Since then, Symantec has bought and discontinued Sygate and Sunbelt Software has bought Kerio and began charging a small nominal fee for the software.  The only freebie left standing was Zone Alarm.  Not content, I scoured the web looking for the best free solution that I can find and vowing to not rest until I have found it!  Well, good news, I have found what probably is the best free firewall for Windows 2000 and XP users – Personal Firewall 2.0 by Comodo.  Note: You must be running Windows 2000 or XP to use the software.  No Macs or 95, 98, SE, ME users.  To get the software, you can click here.

Really Cool How-to for Google

June 8, 2006

The folks at CyberWyre have written up a fantastic guide to searching with Google.  The guide shows you some basic search syntaxes to advance tips/syntaxes to mine information from the google search indexes.  Quite a fascinating read, check it out by clicking here.

Microsoft Vista Beta 2 Release to Public

June 8, 2006

Today, Microsoft officially releases Microsoft Vista Beta 2 to the public for testing.  For those eager to see what all the "buzz" is about, you can register for a download key here and download and burn the software on your DVD burner.  MS Vista Beta 2 comes in three different languages (English, Japanese, German) and for 32 bit and 64 bit processors.