June 11, 2006

A couple of months ago, I wrote a short article about PC Safety, and what users should do to mitigate PC problems related to malware, viruses, and trojans.  At the time, there were three free firewalls that I recommended Windows XP users look at and download – Sygate, Kerio, and Zone Alarm.  Since then, Symantec has bought and discontinued Sygate and Sunbelt Software has bought Kerio and began charging a small nominal fee for the software.  The only freebie left standing was Zone Alarm.  Not content, I scoured the web looking for the best free solution that I can find and vowing to not rest until I have found it!  Well, good news, I have found what probably is the best free firewall for Windows 2000 and XP users – Personal Firewall 2.0 by Comodo.  Note: You must be running Windows 2000 or XP to use the software.  No Macs or 95, 98, SE, ME users.  To get the software, you can click here.