COMMENTARY: MacWorld 2008

After tremendous buildup and anticipation for this year’s MacWorld, the world has collectively “yawned”! Much of the hype had been deflated by leaks of product releases such as: iTunes Movie Rental Service and the MacBook Air, prior to the big event. There was no talk of 3G or 4G iphones, Newton/Tablet Apple PCs (note: really bad idea), and iPods that Apple nerds and investors were craving for, so what’s my big take from MacWorld?

  1. Awesome that Apple is able to sell 4 Million iPhones in 6 months in 2007, but it will be pretty darn hard for them to make 10 million without a 3G version of the phone and more providers to sell the phones.  Don’t be sad if Apple doesn’t make the 10M mark by the end of year.
  2. Google Maps seems to have some interesting applications, but really just gives fellows another reason not to ask for directions when lost.
  3. Free iPhone update was good for users so that users are able to manage all those new applications that developers will begin to sell to them next month.
  4. Dumb that Apple decided to charge $20 for existing iTouch users to download 5 new applications that should have shipped with the product to begin with.
  5. Apple TV (Version 2.0) – interesting, but will definitely not be a big seller for Apple.  Yes, sharing personal photos, and videos, watching movies and TV shows are good ideas.  Most individuals have TIVOs, VCRs, and DVDs in their homes, why would they want another box to add to their existing burgeoning home entertainment system.  Apple really needs to integrate a Super “Blu Ray” drive, TIVO like recording capabilities, and Slingbox like streaming functions to their products to make it compelling enough for people to really want to buy the product and replace some of their older devices.  Steve Jobs and Co clearly needs to go back to the drawing board on this one, good luck on turning this “bad boy” into a monster hit!
  6. Apple Time Capsule – great no nonsense backup solution for people and small businesses who currently are thinking of replacing their router and running current OSX Leopard.  Apple needs to ship requisite software for PC users and older Mac Users for this product to achieve it’s potential.  Who wouldn’t want a unintrusive and easy way of backing up of your data?
  7. MacBook Air – definitely the “world’s thinnest” computer.  Apple made some minor sacrifices in features but that is expected for a ultraportable product like: speed of the CPU, built-in battery, and the one USB port.  The best feature clearly is the iPhone like scrolling (or gestures) integrated into scroll pad.  Definitely hope that Apple integrates this feature into all future notebook offerings as well as ambient lighting for MacBooks (for all those students typing in dark lecture halls).

Until next time,


3 Responses to COMMENTARY: MacWorld 2008

  1. Steven says:

    MacWorld sounded pretty cool. I wish I could go sometime.

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